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“Curt Branom, as the giddy, pink-bewigged King Louis, found umpteen ways to marvel at the preposterousness of his own existence, creating a kind of perpetual motion machine for laughter. Each of his titters fed his next guffaw. With a true clown’s sensitivity to the vicissitudes of the moment, he tailored each new burst of laughter to how his audience was responding to the previous one, all a testament to that elusive alchemy between performer and witness that’s only possible in live theater”
San Francisco Chronicle

 “The entire cast was at their very best, most notably the hilarious Curt Branom…”
Bay Area Reporter

 “…the standouts include Curt Branom as a deliciously sinister Dr. Jack Kevorkian…”
Time Out New York

In 2019, Curt was a guest on Jim Jarrett’s “The Bay Area Actor”. Listen in to hear Curt’s story, his biggest inspirations and his theatrical and life experiences in New York and San Francisco.

Commonwealth Club interview